Hardening Strategies That Save Life and Property

The Vital Mission.
Absolute Defense has a single stated purpose.
Design and implement hardening strategies that save life and property.
The risks associated with man-made violence and natural catastrophe are conspicuously real. We therefore support government agencies at all levels, as well as the private sector, by safeguarding property — by hardening buildings with use of the latest technology. Absolute Defense works every day for one vital mission — to save lives.

Hardening Buildings Began with Hardening Glass.
Absolute Defense is the natural outgrowth of a security obsession that began with the inauguration of Clear Defense, Inc., 30 years ago. In the 90’s, we were warning anyone who would listen — we preached that the glass in schools, homes, commercial buildings and governmental institutions were at risk — not only with respect to safety and health, but also to economic devastation. The glass products — RAPT and Cold Lava — are security laminates. RAPT not only reinforces glass, but also curbs heat, conserves energy, blocks UV rays and provides RFIR blocking capabilities. Applied to combat vehicles and other high security installations, Cold Lava shields the U.S. Military as it conducts combat and national security operations in the Middle East and Europe.

Hardening Has A Comprehensive Reach.
It wasn’t long before Clear Defense and its proprietary glass technology caught the attention of governmental entities — Department of State, Department of Defense, Defense Logistics Agency, Department of Homeland Security, the Pentagon, the White House and various Embassies. Soon, our stepped-up technology took us into other heightened areas of security, including barrier systems, RFIR technology, secured turnstile, SCIF rooms, heightened cameras & surveillance, etc.
Security Begins With A Detailed Analysis.
Most influential buildings that house many people — schools, hospitals, corporations, civic and governmental organizations — should entertain at least a basic assessment of the exposure to risk. That assessment may include:

The Danger Has Escalated.
Today, the defense story has only become more critical, given the threats of terrorism of all kinds. Communities must face reality — we live with risk. The fact is, our schools, hospitals, government facilities and businesses — all have an obligation to promote the health and welfare of a trusting public. Students and teachers deserve to be safe. Patients and caregivers must be secure. Civil servants should be free to carry on the people’s work without fear of natural or man-made assault.
The Solution Is Here.
Absolute Defense has consulted with experts in the Department of Homeland Security to expand its protective footprint. We already have helped harden schools and have submitted comprehensive Building Hardening proposals to State Governments. We already are serving the needs of governmental agencies, military branches and law enforcement, each demanding custom solutions.
Contact Us
For more information, please use this form to tell us about your company or organization, and about your particular security situation.
You may prefer calling us at 336.274.1811